Thursday, May 24, 2018

Week 17 Blog Final Post

Social Media use for the Oceanside Breakers has always been among the best run accounts that their is in the local soccer environment. This class helped validate the direction where we have been using our social media. However, I do know that there is always room for improvement, and one that I feel needs more immediate attention is our video content, but more specifically our Youtube channel. I believe that the direction of social media is all going to be geared toward original video content. The consistency that we have maintained has helped us grow and differentiate ourselves from other clubs. 

Being able to use the insights in a much more efficient manner has certainly helped us focus on using our content in the best way possible to the right audience. We have seen a steady increase of new followers and likers to our pages. I believe that we are about to start having a bigger social media influence from the methods that we have been using. 

I think that we have only begun to scratch the surface of social media influence, which is will be as influential as the television. We are now able to gather information and customized constant with the greatest of ease, now with a lot of the older generations jumping on, they use it completely different from the younger crowds, which is now going to open even more advertisement opportunities.This is why people value their phones most among other things that they have because of our their need of connectivity to the world, especially social media. 

Since I have been doing this type of business for some time, it really helped validate my views on social media. I have been using a lot of these methods learned in business for some time, and being able to be validated by the teaching means that the next important component is consistency. While ideally every business would like to be the next viral hit, the reality is that it takes time to build your audience and brand awareness.  Social media like any other business requires time and effort.

Being in the industry my opinion is a bit biased but I firmly believe that you need to have the proper social platforms to be successful in business, not taking advantage of this free advertisements is just foolish. It is time consuming which is why most businesses see this as more of nuisance but the reality is that we can it is so crucial to your everyday operations. Which is why it is more cost effective to hire an outside company than managing  it themselves. The hardest part of this type of business is calculating the ROI, which makes businesses skeptical when hiring these type of companies.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this class, I have at times felt that this industry was too good to be true but the reality is that it will continue to be as important that ever and even though I have been doing this for some time, I believe that the future is bright for our fellow entrepreneurs. Thank you for a great semester. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Week 16 Blog Post 1

Youtube is the best platform to use, the longevity of platform and the future of it is what makes it so appealing. Being able to create compelling video is the best way to create a buzz for your business. This is the missing piece of what my business needs, it is more time intensive due to the production involved with your content.

Instagram is my favorite platform to use because it creates the most engagement on all social media platforms. I think that this is the most popular platform at the moment.

Instagram creates constant engagement so it is one that needs to be worked on daily, as they are key on building your audience.

Facebook can still be effective on a reduced method unless your business relies on this platform for an informational platform. The insights that are available to you are great and can help you keep a pulse on your audience.

Week 16 Blog Post 2

I think that the best tool that i could use more effectively is Youtube, I believe being able use videos is the key to creating more compelling content will drive more viewers to our pages and ultimately our sites and be able to convert them. i believe that it is the missing piece needed to help with our social media on all fronts. Instagram is still for our target market is the best and I believe that we are using the tool effectively.
Insights are some of the most important tools that can help if used correctly being able to get this correctly. Being able to post at the correct times and compelling posts that meet the demographic needs is going to be the best way to increase the audience. If they are not effective you can then use the same analytics to help change your posts.
In order for a business to be successful there needs to significant time invested into all the social media platforms, I would say that on a weekly basis there should be somewhere between 5-10 hours a week. This should include creating posts, pictures and videos, along with engagement on all sites as this is key to be able to continue growing your audience.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 15 Blog Post 2

In looking at the analytics from Facebook, it gives a lot of insight on your pages traffic. My Facebook page has everything in the positive direction except action on page and videos views, which make sense since the prior week we had a a lot of video content and calls to action.  When the stats point to this, this tells me that we are posting the content that our reader is looking for, and at the same time it will tell us about the ineffective posts as well. The feedback we are receiving is consistent with our posts, especially our poor performing post, which were experimental due to using a fresh tactic in an emoji only post. The consistency in which we post is what sets us apart from the competition.

Week 15 Blog Post 1

The tools that are available to business owners if used correctly, can give you incredible insight, and Google Analytics is the best their is. While tracking your page you can now even have real time stats of where your readers are looking and spending time on. I think that depending on your business the stats that you would need to look at can vary but I feel, that some of the musts have to be; what is attracting you viewers, what are they reading, where they are located and the demographic. If you are starting a business and may not be too sure about your target market, you can see what is bringing the reader to your page. Of course another important feature, and this would be used more for a store would be the conversion rate, being able to see that can make it easier to identify what works and what doesn't. The information that you receive can be vital, if used correctly.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Week 14 Blog Post 1

I have two examples of ads that we had created for two different types of events, a recreational sign up and a competitive one. They were aimed at similar demographics in both cases. We also promoted one through the ads and the other was completely organic. In the organic post, which was aimed at the newer parents with young children. In the post we took a picture of one of the girls recreational teams, which featured 7 year old girls smiling proud holding their team banner while wearing their jerseys. We also included a call to action in creating an event on Facebook. The post itself is brief yet informational with some eye catching appeal due to the use of emojis. The overall message is that we are all about fun and soccer. I think this post does target our market correctly while still providing a captivating post.

The second post which was aimed at a competitive tryout, featured a girls team showing raw emotion with the picture being taken after winning a national championship. This also contained a call to action which led them directly to the soccer registration. Although this post was intended for both boys and girls sign ups, the picture used was deliberately aimed girls as they were our primary target for teams. The post was also promoted through Facebook Ads, and was specifically aimed at areas around Oceanside. I also believe that the post brings the correct message and uses captivating content.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Week 11 Blog Post 1

The Oceanside Breakers have a goal of creating an engaged and active community, so email is still a vital tool to keep our customers engaged. Relationship building is key, and through newsletters we like to keep them connected with a monthly issue. I have been looking at different newsletters that I have subscribed to and look at their designs and frequency of them. Some of them I like, others were a bit on the annoying side. I caught myself looking at the headlines of those emails and those were the ones I would open, because that is really what its all about right? attention grabbing? Everything is just a commercial for us. One of the great points that I read in the chapter was about a commercial, the book easily defined it as a something that grabs your attention and gets a reaction. Which as simple as it may seem, that is exactly it. Thats why you have platforms and snapchat and instagram, who are now giving you commercials across your story in short 5 second increments, where you choose to get more information about the potential product. Email newsletters that catch your attention whether its sales driven or relationship building can continue to be a great way to reach whatever your goals may be. Just like every other tool, its just needs to be used effectively to get the best results.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 10 Blog Post 2

Ideally in my blog, which focuses on men's lifestyle, I would have categories such as health, fashion, how-to, relationship and personal interest pieces. In order to accomplish in creating and posting relevant and meaningful content, a calendar will be key. Being able to create the posts and schedule them out to weeks ahead not only gives you piece of mind with what is going up on the site but it makes it easier to create content knowing that your site is being updated regularly. I think that these types of categories are what is expected to be for this demographic, there definitely can be other categories you could add but as long as you have a solid core, it will continue to keep your readers engaged.

Week 10 Blog Post 1

The best thing about adding personal experiences, is that whether you are a big time company like Chevy or a small time blog, adding these interest pieces can appeal to all different types of demographics. Being able to humanize yourself through these types of posts create a connection between the writer and readers, which keeps them engaged and returning for more original content. I do believe that picking and choosing when you add these types of pieces is important, as you can tire your potential reader with overwhelming content. Maintaining a balance to your page is key, since you want to make sure that your content varies.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Week 9 Alternate Assignment

I picked 4 competitive soccer clubs in the County of San Diego, they are LA Galaxy San Diego, San Diego Soccer Club, Surf Soccer Club, and Vista Storm. These clubs not only represent the different demographics but both the beginning and advanced stages of twitter accounts.

LA Galaxy San Diego

From an active user myself, I definitely have some suggestions with their account. The page is very bland from the moment you visit the page and it is linked with both their Instagram and Facebook accounts, which makes the post pretty tired since it has been spread the same way on all their linked sites. Engagement is nonexistent, as their timeline is so linked account heavy is makes people avoid the page as none of the posts are original. Their cover photo is a bland logo, they should change it up with some pictures of their players or anything really, it's just unappealing.

San Diego Soccer Club

My first thoughts upon visiting the site was that it is appealing, and the content is great. The have lot of pictures of their players, engagement with other accounts, retweets etc.. they are just using twitter the way it should be used. My lone suggestions is that they need to use keywords or hashtags to get a better reach. Their cover photo leaves a bit to the imagination as it does not go with the overall page, again anything would really be better. Overall a great account.

Surf Soccer Club

Possibly the richest club in the county, they put a lot of effort to their account and it shows, they have a great cover photo of coaches, their content and use of hashtags is great. I would probably say maybe to link videos or gifs to their timeline, and possibly be more involved in the conversations, but really I am just being picky. Best I have seen.

Vista Storm

Vista Storm’s page is having a good cover photo and the first tweet is a great picture, but then you quickly realize that they have not only posted the same things several times but they rarely ever tweet. Having this type of timeline basically eliminates an engaged audience as the content is not just dated but repeated. They just need to be more active, as the tweets and content they have is promising. 

Week 9 Blog Part 2

Our twitter account is ran with two separate goals in mind, connecting ourselves in the local business community (sponsorships) and having a voice in anything soccer related. Having these two goals in mind, i had some ideas ready to use for the search: Oceanside, Soccer, Futbol, Local, I also used the location to help find these account in the city we operate. Oceanside brought a lot of results rather quickly and found some small businesses that we not aware of, the other terms on the other hand were a bit more difficult, they led me to people that were within the locale, but weren't in line of who I was looking for. I ended up finding Fratelli's, Swami's Oceanside and Rocking Baja Lobster for my local Oceanside business list. For my other list I was looking for soccer knowledge and insights, but more importantly local and I found 2, Dike and Cesar Hernadez.

 I created 2 lists that fall in line with my initial goals for twitter. local business and soccer knowledge. Creating lists keeps your timeline organized with the information that will be displayed, it can also help identify potential leads or other accounts you can work with. Twitter itself has always been strange in regards to time of day of when you post, I feel that as long as you stay engaged in the conversation the better exposure you have, the other times that I feel tweets are most effective is after big news or accomplishments. Overall being a part of the conversation is key to Twitter.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week 8 Blog Post Part 2

I believe that to help humanize our brand, we need visual social media. Being able to effective use visual social media helps display our status of our club but also helps convey our culture through pictures and video. We want to not only appeal to the parents, who are paying for their children to play but also the players themselves as our tone in Instagram is geared towards them. The businesses I have been researching are not just soccer clubs but are in the soccer environment. They are South Bay Matrix, SD Soccer Shots, Cal South Soccer and Mira Costa College Women’s, they all vary from having a large following to just starting out. After doing some research on these accounts, I have concluded that most of them only have Instagram as their main visual social media account, as I believe this is the most effective place to help humanize their brands. Everyone uses them daily, but they either lack continuity, tone, and sometimes compelling content. I will continue to break down each one of the accounts that I have researched below. 

South Bay Matrix @southbaymatrix

Currently they have a Facebook and an Instagram account, their use of Instagram is basic. They feature their players on their posts but fail to bring original content to their page or videos. Their hashtag game could use some work, as they will only attach 1-2 hashtags to their posts. They currently only have 92 followers with an average like per post at about 15 likes for about a 16% engagement rate. They typically post about once a week and the content is boring, they have announcements through their posts, but they can be unclear or hard to read and the last post was on 3/22/18. Comments on said post are generally around 1 comment per post, depending on the content. After reviewing their posts, I would probably try to use some of their graphics on some of our posts, but realistically we are doing much more than they are on a post by post basis. 

SD Soccer Shots @sd_soccershots

Soccer Shots has a great online presence through both Facebook and Instagram, their content is not only engaging but high quality. They have many action photos of their camps and classes along with some great video. They do use a lot of hashtags, they just need to utilize them effectively with their posts. They currently have 1,418 followers with and average like per post at 30 with a 2% engagement rate. Soccer shots posts are high quality in both terms of picture and video but also in their use of graphics, however they typically post only once a week with their latest post being on 3/19/18. Having high quality content may not translate to many likes but it does work for comments some being from families but mostly from other pages, which makes me think that their followers are not organic. Their use of the graphics on their content is eye appealing, and something that I would like to integrate into our account but overall, they have great stuff just needs better engagement. 

Mira Costa Womens Soccer @mccwsoccer

Now MCC has only their Instagram page as their visual social media platform. Mira costa in general has every platform however we are only researching the Women’s soccer team. They offer many different types of content on their page, from pictures to videos as well as high quality graphic and editing. Their tone for their page can be a bit confusing as they feature posts that are silly, but some that are of a serious tone. Currently MCCWSoccer has 788 followers with an average like of 50-75 likes and an engagement rate of 10%. They post about 2 times a week and feature some great content with some quality editing and with an average of 2-5 likes a post with their latest being 3/19/18. I found that some of the post that they have created can easily transition to our page, as their tone at times sometimes matches ours. Their great editing sets them apart from other accounts, but at times can be somewhat lazy posts. 

Cal South @Calsouthsoccer

Cal South is the largest account that I have researched, they have a 13.4k followers. the content that they display is top quality; having a great balance of pictures and videos. Just a lot of compelling content. Their use of hashtags are effective, the best I have seen. Every post typically has about 701 likes with a 6% engagement rate. Cal South posts at least once a day 7 times a week which is the most active account with the most recent one being 3/26/18. My one criticism with this account is that they post too much, some of the national accounts are effective and only post 2-3 a week. That being said I would like to emulate, the content is great and well executed. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 8 Alternate Assignment Part One

The Oceanside Breakers have been using different social media platforms over the past few years. We have created an Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube channel for our organization. We have found that our most effective platform is our Instagram, we currently have 1500 followers, and we follow 191 users now. We have always used the Facebook platform to help target the parents of players, but we use Instagram to help target the 18 and under crowd. Along with posting photos of our players, we have used this platform to help bridge the gap between players and colleges. Using Instagram with these two methods has been effective to not only increase our social media presence but also increase our community presence.
We are extremely active on Instagram, whether it be by pictures, videos, or stories, we utilize all these tools to help maximize our brand. On an average day we will post at least once through a normal post, but we will have multiple stories loaded on our profile to increase our chances on the discover page. On a normal day we will typically use anywhere from 2-10 hashtags, but we prominently feature the #Breakermade on all our platforms, as this has helped create a culture of family, development, and character. We usually only follow business pages, that are not only in the Oceanside area but are also active on their own social media. This helps us correctly follow leaders in the Instagram platform while being able to keep growing our page organically.
We are currently working on increasing our presence on our YouTube channel, the lack of having video content has made it difficult to add content to the page. We have planned on not only creating captivating videos of our players, but offering other content like interviews, training guides, and team drills to help increase our popularity.

Instagram: @Oceansidebreakers

Youtube: Oceanside Breakers

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Week 7 Blog Post Part 2

The post that I have chosen to go up is both informational as well as emotional. We like to use pictures of players, due to Facebooks audience majority made of soccer moms which are genuinely well received. It is also informational as it demonstrates the state of current events in the club, as well as touching on social engagement with at throwback Thursday post. I generally like to employ emojis in a majority of our posts, I believe that they are very appealing and show a nice change of pace from what you see on other pages. At the end of all our posts we post the #breakermade this has quickly become a mantra for the club.

Week 7 Blog Post 1

I have been managing the Facebook Page of the Oceanside Breakers, we have been a member of the Oceanside community for the last 40 years. Our goal is to help the children and parents of city to grown into fantastic soccer players but even better people. I have chosen 7 pages that I believe will help our club grow, and that are aligned all around the city of Oceanside.

Boy's and Girl's Club of Oceanside
Oceanside Turkey Trot
TAP That
Soccer Loco
The Beach Soccer Championship
Glowzone NC

All of these businesses are not only based in Oceanside or the general vicinity but are geared to not only children but their parents as well. Fratelli's, Glowzone and TAP That are very much involved in our club as they give our teams opportunity to raise money through different types of fundraisers.

The Beach Soccer Championship is a beach soccer tournament that is run in partnership with the Oceanside Breakers. Not only are do they have a worldwide reach as many teams that play in this tournament are from around the globe.

We are in contact with all these different pages, as they all serve different needs due to their services. The variety of pages not only help us maintain our image as a partner in the community but also helps us use their audience as an extension.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Week 6 Blog Post Part 2

The difference from post reach and engagement is that reach is the unique number viewers of content that we have on your page or posts. Post engagement is a secondary tool that works off the post reach, simply put engagement is when people actively engage in said post through likes, comments or sharing. Knowing the difference is crucial as it can help a business gauge the interest in both their company and products. Whether a company is launching a new product or service being able to differentiate can help a business either gain ground on their products or maybe needing to pivot to a different strategy to help maximize the effectiveness of social media.

For the Oceanside Breakers, we have an average post reach of 500 organic viewers on a normal post, and on special occasions we have been able to reach an organic reach of 6000 people. Our target market is mostly parents from the ages of 24-40, as they make up the biggest part of our clientele. Having this information helps us in creating the type of compelling posts that will most appeal to our customers.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Week 6 Alternate Assignment

I have been managing the Oceanside Breakers Facebook since April 2015, at that time the page had about 1400 likes, I have since brought that to 1939 likes, which was done organically. We tend to post about a 3 to 5 times a week on Facebook. We generally put a lot of informational and kid centric posts as our Facebook is aimed at Mom. We have definitely grown in many ways since I took over and feel we give compelling content on a daily basis.

I have identified 3 different soccer clubs that we are competing against.

San Diego Surf

This club is considered the leader in youth soccer not just in California but the country, they have produced many professional players both male and female. They are very active on Facebook, posting daily and they have great content and 5,618  likes. Their cover photo is very compelling and their calls to action are well used.

LA Galaxy

This club is arguably second in the county due to their affiliation with the professional MLS club LA Galaxy. The have 4,793 followers, their content is pretty boring, mostly links and not much else. They are still posting pretty actively about 3 times a week. They really need to incorporate more content on the page like videos and photos. They cover photo is also pretty boring.

Vista Storm

This is one of our rivals, both competitively but also talent wise, they also face a lot of the same financial challenges like we do.  They are not very active on Facebook, and they only have 524 likes which would make sense given the inactivity they have. The cover photo could be better in my opinion, due to the way it was taken. The page is geared toward reviews and information rather than content driven.

In my opinion, Surf is the best page of the ones I have analyzed. I also believe we provide as compelling content as Surf does. They use all types of different media from articles to videos. I definitely consider us to be on the same level as they are.

Here is the page I created.

M11 Media Consulting

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blog Post Week 5 Part 2

The Oceanside Breakers are a non-profit organization which provides recreational and competitive leagues for children ages 4-18 located in the city of Oceanside. The target market is two parts, it is mainly geared to parents and grandparents of the children, as well as the “tweens” as they are a major part of social media. I have found that different platforms are effective for different target markets, Facebook for example is geared more toward the parents and grandparents of children, in which case we use Instagram toward the “tweens,” being able to reach them will in turn reach their parents.

Lastly, we are also targeting businesses in the Oceanside Area in regards to any sponsoring efforts.  The platform we use for potential sponsors is Twitter as it has made it easier to get in contact with companies. 

Blog Post Week 5 Part 1

I did my research on set 1 and one of the first differences I noticed were in the layout of the site. EconoBum was geared to the modern eco-thinking crowd as where the cheap diapers main point was about their product and not so much the site itself. EconoBum site was thought with shopper in mind, as they were offering an alternative with reusable cloth diapers as opposed to the conventional disposable ones. Cheap Diapers main message was buying in bulk will save you more money than buying at the retail store.
Both of these sites are meant to appeal to the thrifty shopper with Econobum gaining a niche with the environmentally friendly customers. Econo Bum had many different CTA such as finding a store, product reviews and social media platforms. The only call to action for Cheapdiapers was for social media platform.
While EconoBum had the nicest site of the two, I do believe that they have the tone and the design to enhance the product their selling, as where the overall color scheme to the site coincided with environmentally friendly products. Their website was well thought out for making it easier for their customers to find the information that they need rather easily.

Cheap Diapers appeal is to the thrifty shopper, not taking into account the appeal and aesthetics of the site. Their message is very apparent from the landing page, you are there for cheap diapers. Navigating the site was a bit confusing and even for someone who would want to order their product they may not be able to figure it our thus losing on potential customers. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blog Post Week 4 Part 2


ESPN has been a mainstay in my knowledge of sports and has been the premier hub for anything sports related. The name in itself is established as the worldwide leader in sports and their up to date information makes them the first source for anything source related. I have always felt that the layout of the site was always effective albeit outdated due to the site not having been revamped for quite some time. I just believe that the site could just use a refresher to give it a modern take but the fact that they are the leaders in sports knowledge is the reason I keep coming back.


Tmobile on the other hand has a very modern website, full of great graphics and great content. The cellular carrier has been changing the ways wireless has been and that mantra definitely appears on their website. Tmobile's efforts has converted me to a customer so I frequent their website as source to handle all of my tmobile related questions. The site is a bit large due to all the fancy graphics and information that is displayed. This would probably be the only change I would make but the site overall is great.

I commented on Marquise Storm, Jesus Origel and Marc Rodriguez.

Blog Week Post 1

I chose Gate and Fences, after looking at the site the first thing I noticed was that there was a lot going on in the page, which made it very confusing to find anything for services that I may need. I think a way to improve this issue would to create an easier to read navigation tool, so that I can find what I would be looking for rather than try to read the small print. The next issue I see, is the overall aesthetic of the webpage design, there is nothing that catches my attention, no graphics or video not having any type of graphics can lead to a customer losing interest in the page and the pictures that are on the page are not high resolution so the quality in itself is very unappealing. I would try to clean up the page as a whole add photos to the dedicated landing page just to give potential customers ease when pulling up the page.  My last observation would be about the amount of wording on the page, if I were to see that much on a page, I would probably just go to the next page of my google search. A successful page needs to be inviting and well put together, a page like this can give me anxiety from the sheer amount of stuff going on in the page.

The next page I reviewed was Riverside Art Center. This page did not have as much going on as the previous page I mentioned however it too still had some fairly small issues that could be addressed for the better.  When scrolling through the page, some parts were hard to read due to the color scheme and the font color chosen for it, a simple change of font color I believe would remedy this first issue.  The other thing I noticed was the Facebook widget in the middle of the page, while I believe it is important to have your social media presence shown on your page, it should be more of an afterthought rather and a central part of the page, either moving it off to the side of the page or just adding their Facebook links would help out immensely. The last observation I had is when you first get on the page, it is clean and easy to read, however the content on the bottom of the page can get lost since it almost seems out of place for a landing page. Giving the information on the bottom of the page its own space would keep it cleanliness of the page as well as still providing more content to the rest of the site.

Next, I scrolled through the National Parks Service page, the graphics were amazing as parks can provide breathtaking scenery but the overall layout of the site was very appealing and made me want to continue browsing the site. Everything was laid out in a very respectful way, there was nothing unnecessary or overwhelming of the site which made this one of my favorite sites to browse.

Lastly, I scrolled through Apple as I have been a loyal customer of theirs for quite some time. They are second to none when it comes to their web design, the graphics are beautiful, the site is inviting and most of what you are looking for is easy to find thanks to the ease of the navigation. Although there was not much actual graphics, the design was very eye catching which is what you would expect from a company like Apple. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blog Post Week 3B Part 2


Their content is first class all the way, they spend a lot of money on creating exciting content and it shows. They are pretty active on all social medias they have linked on their homepage but was actually surprised that they posted a lot less for a company of this size. Very interesting.


Although Apple has social media on all major platforms, there is nothing visible on their homepage.


Apple like Nike has great content and they are masters at marketing. I was shocked to see how active they were on Youtube and Instagram but non-existent on Facebook and Twitter.  I have always been very active on twitter and have seen it to be very powerful in contacting people and businesses, but to have no use for it is shocking.



Wendy’s is pretty active on all their sites as they post weekly like most other larger companies but they seem to be the most active on twitter. They have made themselves quite the brand voice on twitter, don’t believe me read some of their tweets and try not to laugh.

City of Oceanside





Surprisingly the City of Oceanside is pretty active with their social media, they do a good job of spreading out information but lack the content that you would find on a large corporation. They seem to be most active on Facebook. I believe due to Facebooks sense of community it makes it easier for the city to use a platform. Not bad in my opinion.

Free Diving Instructors






6 years ago


I found this business through the City of Oceanside’s Chamber of Commerce. This business creates some beautiful underwater content and uses them well on all their social media sites. Although it is a bit disappointing that they are not active on their YouTube channel as where I feel they already have great content they can use on their channel.

After carefully scanning many websites for their social media, it is pretty clear on how big a part social media plays in business today. The larger companies have the best content but was very shocked by the lack of posting from a company that most likely has a dedicated team to handle their accounts. Content can make or break a company’s image on social media and more importantly on their future clients. The brand that it portrays like Nike, where their contents looks futuristic and inspiring, or the Free Diving Instructors by carefully showing the beauty of their craft. The more a company tried to humanize their posts the more effective they were in creating a big following.

The other part is the engagement for the larger company’s engagement is not as big due to the large followings they have as it can be daunting to reply to everyone that comments on your page. The smaller the company the more engaged they were. Which made it easier to create customers and potential brand champions. I believe that smaller company’s cannot afford to ignore their customers on social media like an Apple or Nike can doing so is possibly social media suicide. 

Blog Post Week 3 Part 1

I used to work as a sales manager for ATT, and know firsthand that sometimes certain issues require patience from the customer. ATT has definitely been known for their customer service issues. When it came time to have an issue taken care of I knew that I would need to be patient. Sometimes you can spend hours taking care of issues which you would think only takes minutes, as I had done several times as a manager. So, when it came time for to have a phone unlocked, I held my breath, and sure enough I got nowhere after several calls.

 After many frustrating calls, I finally took to Twitter, and strongly voiced my displeasures. Within minutes of doing so, I get contacted by ATT through twitter asking for my contact info, I receive a call from them about 5 minutes after I had made the post. What took hours getting nowhere on the phone, Twitter was able to resolve in a matter of minutes. I truly believe that social media can make things happen because larger companies don’t like public detractors especially in the media.

I felt accomplished after I had my issue with ATT resolved and it was refreshing to know the power of Social Media. Knowing this I have now been able to resolve many other issues much easier this way rather than calling through conventional methods. It is true, that social media can be a dangerous thing, but there is still some good in it as well, experiencing it firsthand.

I believe that I would try to be as fair as I possibly can be when it comes to negativity. Taking the complaint/issue and possibly learning from it or standing by what was done. Being able to humanize your business makes it appear more appealing as showing an authentic brand voice. I would also take the positive comments and celebrate them, and try to make my happy customer into a brand champion.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 2B: Blogs I commented on

This week I commented on Maxim Cardonna, Paul Wendee, and Ava Domann.

Week 2A: Overview of Social Media

I believe all types of platforms are geared toward personal use but now they have all found ways to be monetized. While its true, apps like Instagram and Twitter are able to tell your personality in both pictures and words. They have both become guilty of creating the social media star, which is a turn off to some. At the moment, I believe that Pinterest at the moment is best personal use, like I mentioned earlier it too has been monetized. Yet, Pinterests ability to display your thoughts for the world to see, as well as keep things private as can be. Which makes it extremely easy to be able to collaborate on your ideas without interaction.

Facebook is the best due to them being able to have paid marketing to specific groups of clienteles. Facebook’s ability to advertise to your core demographic makes it both extremely affordable as well as effective in creating brand awareness. Twitter is also great for business as a customer service-oriented platform.  Twitters ability to have contact with a celebrity or company within 140 characters is awesome. Whether you are showing some love or hate to a company, they have all become very active in the twitterverse. and are actively looking for their next brand champion or quell their next potential issue.

Facebook is still the gold standard of both personal and business use platforms. Personally, you are able to display your thoughts and opinions on either a private or open audience, Businesswise, Facebook’s marketing ability is second to none but their ability to target your niche clients affordably and effectively is really what makes them stand out over the rest of the platforms.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Week 1B: Blogs I commented on

This week, I commented on Jesus Origel, Ava Domann and Maxim Cardona.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Week #1

Hi my name is Jose Montiel, I chose this template because it gave me option to use high res picture to use at as background, that also went well with my overall theme of Zen. I have always wanted to create a blog like this, as I have always tried to live a simple, meaningful life. I believe that this template suits that vision well. Below is a picture of a ninja, because I like ninjas!