I believe that to help humanize our brand, we need visual social media. Being able to effective use visual social media helps display our status of our club but also helps convey our culture through pictures and video. We want to not only appeal to the parents, who are paying for their children to play but also the players themselves as our tone in Instagram is geared towards them. The businesses I have been researching are not just soccer clubs but are in the soccer environment. They are South Bay Matrix, SD Soccer Shots, Cal South Soccer and Mira Costa College Women’s, they all vary from having a large following to just starting out. After doing some research on these accounts, I have concluded that most of them only have Instagram as their main visual social media account, as I believe this is the most effective place to help humanize their brands. Everyone uses them daily, but they either lack continuity, tone, and sometimes compelling content. I will continue to break down each one of the accounts that I have researched below.
South Bay Matrix @southbaymatrix
Currently they have a Facebook and an Instagram account, their use of Instagram is basic. They feature their players on their posts but fail to bring original content to their page or videos. Their hashtag game could use some work, as they will only attach 1-2 hashtags to their posts. They currently only have 92 followers with an average like per post at about 15 likes for about a 16% engagement rate. They typically post about once a week and the content is boring, they have announcements through their posts, but they can be unclear or hard to read and the last post was on 3/22/18. Comments on said post are generally around 1 comment per post, depending on the content. After reviewing their posts, I would probably try to use some of their graphics on some of our posts, but realistically we are doing much more than they are on a post by post basis.
SD Soccer Shots @sd_soccershots
Soccer Shots has a great online presence through both Facebook and Instagram, their content is not only engaging but high quality. They have many action photos of their camps and classes along with some great video. They do use a lot of hashtags, they just need to utilize them effectively with their posts. They currently have 1,418 followers with and average like per post at 30 with a 2% engagement rate. Soccer shots posts are high quality in both terms of picture and video but also in their use of graphics, however they typically post only once a week with their latest post being on 3/19/18. Having high quality content may not translate to many likes but it does work for comments some being from families but mostly from other pages, which makes me think that their followers are not organic. Their use of the graphics on their content is eye appealing, and something that I would like to integrate into our account but overall, they have great stuff just needs better engagement.
Mira Costa Womens Soccer @mccwsoccer
Now MCC has only their Instagram page as their visual social media platform. Mira costa in general has every platform however we are only researching the Women’s soccer team. They offer many different types of content on their page, from pictures to videos as well as high quality graphic and editing. Their tone for their page can be a bit confusing as they feature posts that are silly, but some that are of a serious tone. Currently MCCWSoccer has 788 followers with an average like of 50-75 likes and an engagement rate of 10%. They post about 2 times a week and feature some great content with some quality editing and with an average of 2-5 likes a post with their latest being 3/19/18. I found that some of the post that they have created can easily transition to our page, as their tone at times sometimes matches ours. Their great editing sets them apart from other accounts, but at times can be somewhat lazy posts.
Cal South @Calsouthsoccer
Cal South is the largest account that I have researched, they have a 13.4k followers. the content that they display is top quality; having a great balance of pictures and videos. Just a lot of compelling content. Their use of hashtags are effective, the best I have seen. Every post typically has about 701 likes with a 6% engagement rate. Cal South posts at least once a day 7 times a week which is the most active account with the most recent one being 3/26/18. My one criticism with this account is that they post too much, some of the national accounts are effective and only post 2-3 a week. That being said I would like to emulate, the content is great and well executed.
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